ESG in Real Estate

At Americas Capital Investments we believe that the real estate sector has a fundamental role to play in reducing the carbon footprint of our planet. For this reason, ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria are essential elements of our corporate culture and investment strategies.

We are committed to working in harmony with the environment, society, and best governance practices in all our operations. In collaboration with global developers, we invest in assets with a high degree of sustainability, both in retrofit projects and new developments.

We highlight our commitment to promoting sustainability in the industry, adopting practices such as the use of renewable energies, waste management, reforestation in green areas, the creation of energy-efficient communities and homes, and the revaluation of properties to achieve carbon neutrality at no additional cost to owners.

We continue to focus on good sustainability practices to improve our quality of life and preserve our planet for future generations!


Where we are and the scenarios in Real Estate


2024 Spaulding Award