ESG Vision


Our ESG Program

En Americas Capital creemos que el sector inmobiliario tiene un papel fundamental en la reducción de la huella de carbono en nuestro planeta. Por esta razón, los criterios ESG (Medioambientales, Sociales y de Gobernanza) son elementos esenciales de nuestra cultura empresarial y de nuestras estrategias de inversión.

We are committed to working in harmony with the environment, society and best management practices in all our operations. In collaboration with global developers, we invest in assets with a high degree of sustainability, both in retrofit projects of existing properties and in new developments.

Some of the practices we adopt are: the use of renewable energies, water and waste management, reforestation in green areas if possible, the creation of energy-efficient communities and homes, and the revaluation of properties with environmental seals and certifications that guarantee the reduction of the carbon footprint at no additional cost to the owners.

We continue to be committed to best practices in sustainability, as a contribution to improving our quality of life and preserving our planet for future generations.

Our portfolio of ESG projects

If you are interested in knowing more details about the projects invested with ESG policies.