ESG policies in Americas Capital Investments

Did you know that at Americas Capital Investments we have 14 projects that comply with ESG policies? We tell you what they are:


  • Park Place Nashville (Nashville, Tennessee): this development project will feature recycled materials and local plants, installation of green roofs and rainwater harvesting cisterns. In addition, the building will be all-electric with water source heat pumps and electric boilers. Solar panels and charging stations for electric cars will also be installed. Upon completion, this development will apply for LEED Gold (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification.

  • I- 20 West Industrial Portfolio (Atlanta, Georgia): This project will seek to improve energy efficiency by having RENU Communities evaluate and implement a variety of building improvements, including the installation of heat pumps, radiant heaters, and LED lighting. As a result of the utility savings, rents will increase by $0.06/m² upon renovation, which is equivalent to the projected tenant savings in utility costs.

  • Raystone- Rise Metro (Phoenix, Arizona): This retrofit case has a retrofit program in line with Arizona environmental regulations, created to encourage care for the planet. The current water heaters and HVAC systems are inefficient and nearing the end of their useful life. The property has mostly unshaded roofs that are ideal for solar panels. Renovation of the units could generate over USD240,000 in additional rental income and approximately USD38,000 in utility and maintenance cost savings annually!

  • Westover Parc apartments (Phoenix, Arizona): includes a customized program aimed at a 30% reduction in carbon footprint. This will include replacing all HVAC units with air-source heat pumps, and replacing existing electric water heaters with heat pump heaters (much more efficient). In addition, an energy monitoring system will be implemented in each unit, lighting will be upgraded, and solar panels will be installed.

  • Rosemont Windermere (Orlando, Florida) and Lofton Place (Tampa, Florida): like the previous project, this one seeks to reduce the carbon footprint, but in this case by more than 50%. This will be achieved by using identical measures, but also by improving water fixtures.

  • Southern New Jersey Shallow (Swedesboro, New Jersey): the development intends to create over $1,000,000 of extra net revenue through the addition of community solar. Revenues from the use of solar energy (approximately 150,000 of net operating income) are expected to begin in month 25.

  • Halstead Framingham (Framingham, Massachusetts): the asset has great potential to achieve decarbonization. Being an older property (1974) and having a large number of tenant units (1,020), the inefficient mechanical system increases energy use as well as repair and maintenance costs for the property, the PTAC units will be replaced with highly efficient cold climate heat pumps, designed to operate at sub-zero temperatures, which will provide both heating and cooling for each apartment. These new units will increase occupant comfort and reduce the energy use intensity (EUI) of the property. It is expected that the RENU program can decrease a tenant's monthly electric expense by 40% or more on average (or nearly USD 87 per month). Over the course of a year, this could equate to more than $1,050,000 in tenant-related utility savings.

  • Chestnut Place (Ashland, Massachusetts): aims to eliminate the property's gas expense by reducing or eliminating the use of natural gas through advanced heat pump technology. An advanced water heating system using CO2 as a refrigerant will also be implemented and rooftop and parking lot solar energy will be maximized to reduce electric bills. In addition, new equipment will be installed that will improve efficiency and reduce repair and maintenance costs, thus adding value to the asset.

  • Dallas/Atlanta Last Mile Portfolio (Dallas, Texas- Atlanta, Georgia): has an energy improvement program that will include the installation of more efficient building systems, such as HVAC equipment and LED lighting, which is expected to reduce carbon emissions by 4%-5% during the holding period. This program is included in the capital investment budget and adds value.

  • Avian Pointe (Apopka, Florida): will feature on-site renewable solar generation and a geothermal microgrid (GeoGrid), a clean source that uses the earth beneath to heat and cool the residences, along with other environmentally conscious components, which will reduce energy consumption by approximately 34% compared to conventional apartment communities.

  • Wells Park Portfolio (Boston, Massachusetts): Given the design and age of the portfolio, with outdated and inefficient systems in place that rely on natural gas, the property offers a great opportunity for decarbonization and NOI improvement. Achieving that goal will require replacing heat sources with efficient electric options and ensuring that all lighting is high-efficiency LED and incorporating a significant amount of solar power at the complex. The anticipated solar capacity is over 900 kW of solar panels on the roof, with a potential for another 500 kW of solar panels on the parking canopy.


  • Parsons Green (London): will be a sustainable development incorporating energy efficiency measures aimed at significantly reducing CO2 emissions. It will seek to further reduce emissions by approximately 10% below the London Plan requirement (achieving a 35% reduction from the 2013 baseline for buildings compliant development).


  • ACI - Hausbau Liberdade (Liberdade, São Paulo): the construction company in charge of this project is LEED certified, an international recognition awarded to buildings and projects that meet certain standards of sustainable design, construction, operation and maintenance.


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