RepensAR Summit: capital leaders meet to discuss the future of investment in Argentina
The event, which will be held in different round tables, will address key topics such as real estate, private equity, wealth management and key sectors of the economy such as agriculture, mining and infrastructure.
On September 10, Buenos Aires will host the RepensAR Summit, an unprecedented event that will bring together prominent investors and entrepreneurs at the Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires (MALBA). During the event, more than 30 experts will discuss investment opportunities in Argentina and their projection on the international scene.
"The event, which will take place in different roundtables,will address key topics such as Real Estate, Private Equity, Wealth Management and key sectors of the economy such as agriculture, mining and infrastructure. The call is framed in a crucial moment both for Argentina, immersed in a new political-economic cycle, and for the world, which is going through important geopolitical transformations."
Ramiro Juliá, CEO of Americas Capital Investments and one of the founders of the Summit, underlined the relevance of this meeting, stating that "this foundational meeting comes at the right time". According to Juliá, Argentine entrepreneurial talent and intellectual capital are in a privileged position to take advantage of the opportunities that arise in this global context.
The Summit will seek to generate a space for reflection with an eye on the long term, with the aim of outlining strategic guidelines to strengthen the Argentine investment ecosystem. Francisco Sosa del Valle, Co-Founder and CEO of Bunker Invest, commented that during the event fundamental questions will be raised about the viability of a 5, 10 and 20-year pro-investment process. "We want to ask ourselves how to generate a very powerful investment ecosystem that leverages on Argentine talent and brings our country back to the global investment discussion tables," he said.
The Summit's proposal also includes a comparative analysis of the investment landscape in other countries in the region, such as Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, Chile, as well as Mexico and the United States. This regional approach will allow attendees, mostly Argentine investors and entrepreneurs, to obtain a comprehensive view of the opportunities and challenges they face in the global arena.
Among the speakers confirmed for this meeting are Alexander Busse, Managing Partner of NXTP Venture; Sofía Gutiérrez of Compass Group Investments; Matías Peire, Co-founder of GRIDX; Martín Otero Monsegur, Partner of Towerco Investments LLC; Ramiro Juliá, Founder and CEO of Americas Capital Investments; Francisco Sosa del Valle, Co-founder and CEO of Bunker Invest; Steve Weikal, Industry Chair of the MIT Real Estate Transformation Lab; Ignacio Bartolomé, CEO of Grupo Don Mario; Gustavo Martello, investor and advisor in technology startups; Miguel Gutiérrez, Partner of The Rohatyn Group; and Fernando Fragueiro, President of Parque Empresarial Austral and founder of IAE.
RepensAR Summit was born as a space for dialogue and joint construction among the main actors of the investment ecosystem in Argentina, with the mission of finding common ground to promote a favorable environment that positions the country and Argentine talent as key players in the construction of capital.
The event, which promises to be a milestone in the country's economic agenda, offers attendees the opportunity to explore the full program and learn more details about the speakers through the official website:
About the founding companies
Americas Capital Investments is an Argentine firm that offers sophisticated investors the possibility of co-investing in real estate projects in the United States, England, Brazil and Argentina. Under the direction of Ramiro Juliá, the company has completed more than 65 real estate investments, totaling more than 1.2 million square meters developed in the industrial, multifamily and office markets.
Bunker Invest is a U.S. company that combines international talent with a remote work dynamic. Its automated wealth management advisory platform is focused on emerging market clients, with a focus on Latin America.
Source: El Cronista