Rethink Summit: more than 300 entrepreneurs discussed Argentina's role in the global investment ecosystem
The business summit was held at Malba
With the aim of reflecting on the alternatives that Argentina presents today in the global investment landscape, business leaders from our country met at Malba to analyze global investment possibilities and think about how to develop an investment ecosystem that accompanies Argentine talent in the construction and attraction of capital.
The day began with a speech by Jorge Bustamante, businessman and journalist, and author of the book "The Corporate Republic".
In the second panel, whose slogan was "How to distribute capital among the various industries that offer opportunities in a region with more than 420 million consumers", Alexander Busse, Managing Partner of NXTP Ventures; Sofía Gutiérrez, Head of alternative investments of Compass Group Investments; Matías Peire, Co-founder of GRIDX, and Martín Otero Monsegur, Partner of Towerco Investments LLC, exchanged views on the investment landscape in our country as well as in Chile, Colombia, Brazil and Uruguay. "Venture Capitals will take advantage of these low rates and Latin America will be favored", said Busse.
In the next panel, the focus was on the US. Ramiro Juliá, Founder & CEO Americas Capital Investments; Francisco Sosa del Valle, Co-founder & Bunker Invest; and Steve Weikal, Industry Chair of the MIT Real Estate Transformation Lab, analyzed the elements that should not be overlooked when investing in the world's largest economy.
Agriculture, as the engine of our country's economy, is also the focus of investments. Consequently, Ignacio Bartolomé, CEO of Grupo Don Mario, had his moment of analysis, addressing the issue of financing as a central point for growth. "Today there is a huge opportunity to differentiate and add value in Argentine agriculture. We must be open to listen and take risks to take advantage of the opportunities that arise," he added.
Hernán Kazah, co-founder and Managing Partner of Kaszek Ventures and co-founder of Mercado Libre, was part of the meeting.
Returning to the Latin American reality, the largest economy in South America had its moment of analysis in the panel "On the Adventure of Brazil". There, Hernán Kazah, Co-founder & Managing Partner of Kaszek Ventures and a deep knowledge of that market, reviewed his career and commented on the business opportunities. The former co-founder of Mercado Libre also mentioned the impact that technology is having on finance: "Technology increases possibilities. It has made funds from other regions of the world have information and platforms to make part of their venture capital reach other regions like ours".
In the last of the panels, Miguel Gutiérrez, Partner of Rohatyn Group, and former CEO of YPF, captured the attention of the more than 200 attendees in a conversation with the academic Fernando Fragueiro, former dean of IAE.
In closing, Juliá and Sosa del Valle returned to the initial spirit of the call to point out that this forum sought to generate a concrete agenda, focused on the question of what Argentina needs to attract investment and what it must do to occupy a place in the international investment ecosystem.
RepensAR is made up of more than 90 business leaders from our country. Its Advisory Committee is made up of Martín Bameule, Ignacio Esteves, Teófilo Lacroze, Ramiro López Larroy, Gustavo Martello, María Martý, Daniel Pelegrina, Martín Rastellino and Pablo Rodríguez de la Torre. Its Academic Council is made up of Fernando Fragueiro; Lucas Grosman and Eduardo Martý, among others.
Source: infobae